Join the Peaceful Runner Club!

Are you a member of the Peaceful Runner Club? Find out if you meet the  criteria and qualify to be a peaceful runner.

If you feel you are a peaceful runner, join the Club. It is free and easy to join. Just add your comments below and tell us why you consider yourself to be a peaceful runner.  

What is a Peaceful Runner?

You must meet the following 10 criteria to be a Peaceful Runner. If you are, add your comments below and welcome to the Club!

A Peaceful Runner is someone who....

  1. loves running (most of the time).
  2. strives to enjoy every moment of every run.
  3. is dedicated to making running fun and easy.
  4. does not judge him/herself if they have had a difficult run.
  5. accepts that he/she, others, life and weather conditions are not and never will be perfect.
  6. is committed to becoming a better and more efficient runner.
  7. is committed to caring for his/her body, but does enjoy occasional indulgences.
  8. values his/her fellow runners and supports them by encouraging them, giving advice, being kind or just having a post-run coffee or beer together.
  9. is grateful and happy just because he/she can run.
  10. wants to be able to run long after everyone thinks he/she is too old to run.

Does this sound like you? Great! Join us and add your comments below.

Join the Peaceful Runner Club

Learn how you can become a more joyous and peaceful injury free runner and Stop Running Pain in 21 Days. This program will teach you how to use the power of your subconscious mind to change limiting beliefs about your body's healing ability, how to stop being a victim of seemingly random running injuries, and how to use the the power within you to run injury free. 

Join the Peaceful Runner Club!

Tell us why you are or want to be a Peaceful Runner. Maybe one of the reasons above resonates with you or has special meaning to you. Maybe you have a special reason of your own for wanting to be a Peaceful Runner.

Share your thoughts with us and remember that Club members are automatically entered in our contest giveaways!

If you would like to share your favorite running picture, you can upload that too. We love to see pictures of our Club members! Note: Your picture must be less than 1 MB to be accepted.

Remember to include your email address. It will not be displayed online. You will need to select one of the notification options to add your email address below. You will then receive notification from us when your comment is approved and you are a member of the Club. The notification options appear after you click on the "Submit your comment and join the Club!" button. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us any time.

Read Other Club Members Comments!

Click below to see comments from other members...

I would like to be a member of the peaceful running club 
Why I would like to be a member: I have been a runner since 1990, which is a long time. I love running, it is part of who I am. Right now I have some …

Hi I am delighted to be here and connect with you all. I love reiki and am interested bto share and understand how others incorporate energy healing into …

Health and Sanity 
After 4 cancers since 2006, and personal family issues with addictions, I find solace in the fact that not only am I starting to run again, but I am incorporating …

For body and mind 
I began running as a method of stress relief at a very difficult time in my life. I was way way overweight, diabetic, on the verge of a heart attack, no …

Back to running after lyme disease 
The last few years have been a bit crazy. About two years ago I began experiencing excruciating joint pain -- among other symptoms. I was eventually diagnosed …

Step by step 
I've returned to running after more than 15 years and a serious back pain. It's not only running but life.

To keep going and be motivated at all times!

Love to run everywhere 
My favorite part of vacation is finding a street or trail where I get out and see the neighborhood. It helps to clear the mind and put a smile on my face. …

Mindful Running Like Meditation is a Practice 
Like sitting meditation, Mindful Running is about the body in alignment with the earth, and being present moment by moment by moment. Standing, sitting, …

The Magic of Running 
I have been a British runner for over 30 years & intend to continue for another 30 at least! Friends are always amazed at how I have stayed so motivated …

Almost peaceful? 
I do have a hard time with not judging myself. I am slow, but competitive & that can be a difficult combination.

Running for Life 
I can identify or associate with all of the above criteria, but in particular 7 to 10 have a special relevance, especially number 9. Running is a way of …

Loving the idea of being a peaceful runner!! 
I can so relate to all of the criteria! I will never be a fast runner--but I am getting faster. I may never have that typical runner body--but my body …

Can't get enough of running! 
I started running in Jr High and HATED it! I was good at running (always went to state in track and cross-country), but hated the pressure. I just wanted …

Running Makes Anything Seem Possible 
If I'm depressed, stressed or anxious about anything, running a quick 5 or nice long easy 10 helps to bring me peace and contentment. If I'm happy and …

I'm 62 years old and love running and feeling the breeze in my face. 
I fall into all 10 catogories but especially like the 10th - being able to run well into the later years of my life. When it gets too cold to run outdoors …

I wish my body loved to run as much as my mind 
I have been a runner for about 20 years. It is a constant battle with pain, and occasionally injuries that prevent me from running altogether. Running …

Never too old to enjoy yourself 
I reckon I fit your ten point criteria though at 80 years old I'm not too sure how I'm going to become a better and more efficient runner (No6) but I'll …

I'll never be fast... 
...I might as well be Peaceful. I started running 5 years ago at 52. I'm slow. I tire easily. I get out of breath and need to walk but I am still at peace …

Enjoying Peaceful Running Now! 
I think that I fit the criteria of a peaceful runner now, but it used to be different. I used to be hung up on times and distances, and whether or not …

I want to enjoy every moment of every run! 
I think I am a peaceful runner as I believe in all of your values listed above. I love running most of the time, but I would like to be able to say that …

Click here to write your own.

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