Tapping for Runners

What is tapping for runners and how can it help you recover from running injuries? Tapping is also known as the Emotional Freedom Technique or simply EFT. It is an energy psychology therapy which combines ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. Tapping helps you recover more quickly from running injuries and the beauty of it is that you can quickly and easily learn this therapy and use it to heal yourself.

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Tapping is easily performed by tapping on a set of specific acupressure points that engage the body's healing energy by utilizing the meridian points.  You can personalize a session and focus on your individual needs such as a particular running injury using affirmations that are relevant to you. This therapy is incredibly easy to learn and it can be used to heal any physical pain, limiting belief or illness that is keeping you from living a healthy and fulfilling life. 

Tapping for runners

Recently there has been resurgence in the use of tapping, but it is not a new therapy. Tapping on meridians or acupressure points was first used in the 1980's by Dr. Roger Callahan and at that time it was known as Thought Field Therapy. The method was refined and simplified in the 1990's by Dr. Gary Craig and it then became known as the Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT. Today it is often referred to as just, "tapping." 

Since its first introduction, thousands of people have successfully used tapping to resolve emotional problems and cure chronic physical pain and illnesses. Tapping on acupressure points and repeating specific affirmations can help you permanently change beliefs, remove fears and phobias, heal pain and injuries, achieve weight loss goals and relieve migraines. These energy meridians stimulate healing by tapping on them. 

You can practice tapping for runners and direct it towards any pain, issue or challenging life situation. It is performed quickly and it is easy to do. The following is an easy to follow introductory video on How to Reduce Stress by Gabrielle Bernstein. It demonstrates how easy it is to learn tapping for runners and you can enjoy a quick stress reducing therapy session right now! 

As mentioned in the video, Nick Orter's book, The Tapping Solution is a must-have for anyone wanting to learn more about tapping.

EFT for Sports Performance

Tapping or EFT can also be used to improve performance in any sport as three-time US national champion gymnast Jessica Howard explains in her book, "EFT for Sports Performance."

In her book, she explains how EFT can be used to eliminate limiting beliefs that hold us back, to control the anxiety that distracts our attention from high performance and to build a strong new self-image of ourselves as an athlete. It includes many stories of real-life people who have used EFT successfully and dozens of tips on improving our performance to reach our highest potential.  EFT has helped  thousands of athletes improve their performance. 

Can Tapping for Runners help with Running Injuries?

Are you suffering from a recurring injury or are you currently suffering with a running injury that is holding you back and keeping you from running your best? The following audio interview (with Stacey Vornbrock) include tapping exercises for injury recovery that you can follow along with and use right now! These tapping sessions were shared at the Tapping World Summit.

Stacey Vornbrock is a Sports Performance Pioneer. She has written a number of sports performance manuals and is one of the many experts who have contributed to Freedom at Your Fingertips: Get Rapid Physical and Emotional Relief with the Breakthrough System of Tapping, an amazing compilation of EFT tools! Stacey has been helping athletes achieve better performances through rapidly healing old and new injuries alike.

Tapping for runners

In this interview there are many tapping exercises which you can use to help you recover physically and emotionally from any pain or injury you may have experienced.

Tapping Interview 

(Click on link above)

But Does EFT Really Work?

According to the thousands of people who have been helped by the Emotional Freedom Technique, the answer is a resounding, "YES!"

But is there any scientific evidence?  

Recently an EFT study completed by Bach, D., Groesbeck, G., Stapleton, P., Sims, R., Blickheuser, K. and Church, D. (2019) resulted in significant declines in anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, pain and cravings, while happiness increased!

Other scientific studies have demonstrated that athletes can achieve enormous performance gains after just a few minutes of tapping. 

In another study conducted with a group of high-performance basketball players by Dawson Church at Oregon State University (2010), researchers found a 38% difference between the performance of  a groups who received EFT and a placebo group. The treatment group received one 15 minute EFT session. 

Other studies using EFT have been completed by Dr. Dawson Church, in which he reported the following findings: 

  • After an hour-long tapping session, there was an average of 24% reduction in cortisol, the hormone secreted by the body when under stress. Some participants in the study experienced up to a 50% reduction in cortisol. 
  • After six rounds of tapping, war veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) had an average decrease of 63% in PTSD symptoms. 

Need more evidence to convince you to try tapping for runners? Watch this short video of Olympian Abi Oyepitan receiving EFT for a shoulder injury during the 2012 Olympics...

Positive affirmations for runners can be used in conjunction with tapping for runners. 

Have you Tried Tapping for Runners?

Please share your experience of Tapping with us. We would love to hear your reasons for using Tapping and how it has made a difference to you.

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