Background Image RTT Slim

Free Yourself from Dieting Forever!

I Help People Who are Sick of Dieting Lose Weight for Good!

Happy woman who lost weight

Imagine yourself:

  • Having more energy to enjoy life
  • Shopping for new, beautiful, stylish clothes
  • Feeling light and happy
  • Being in control of your weight
  • Being motivated to exercise
  • Feeling confident wearing gym clothes
  • Being indifferent to sugary snacks
  • Feeling proud of yourself 
  • Feeling good in your body

Get to the Root Cause of Your Weight Issue!

  • You were not born with this issue.
  • Somewhere along the way, you developed a limiting belief that is linked to your struggle with weight management. 
  • I will help you uncover the root cause—the subconscious belief that is preventing you from becoming your ideal weight.
  • Together we will create new beneficial beliefs and put an end to the need to ever diet again. 

It's Not Your Fault!

Are you tired of feeling guilty about eating?

Are you worried about your health?

Are you an emotional eater? Do you eat to feel better?

Are you gaining more weight despite your best efforts?

Are you tired of trying new diets that do not work?

Have you lost weight before, but the weight keeps coming back?

Diets do not work because they are unnatural, too restrictive and not a long term solution. 

What will Happen If You Don't Resolve This Weight Issue....

- Increased risk of health issues?
- Travel insurance restrictions?
- Reduced mobility?
- Unfulfilled retirement plans?
- Miss out on special occasions: graduations, weddings, grandkids, etc.

Get a Solution that Works in 1-3 Sessions!

Jackie Linehan

My name is Jackie Linehan, and I am a Rapid Transformational Therapy® Practitioner. Also, known as RTT®️. 

RTT® typically resolves issues in 1-3 sessions as it gets to the root cause, and eradicates those beliefs that no longer serve. Together, we focus on the root cause rather than on the symptoms.

Weight Gain is a Symptom...

Finding the Root Cause is the Solution!

My role, as an RTT®️ Rapid Transformational Practitioner, is to help you identify your desired outcome and show you how you can use the power of your mind to transform the issue you wish to resolve. However, you must be open to change in order for any transformation to occur.

By learning how to control our mind and thoughts and telling ourselves a better story, we can lay down new neuropathways in our brain. Only therapy that changes your neural pathways brings about lasting change and that therapy is hypnotherapy, It goes deep and changes our neural circuits in the way other therapy does not and cannot.

Nutritious Foods

Get Started Today...

Step 1 - Book a Free Discovery Call

Take the first step to transforming your life!

Step 2 - The Discovery Call

In a 15-20 minute call, I will answer any questions you may have and explain the process to you with no pressure or obligation.

Step 3 - Start Transforming Your Life

All sessions take place online using Google Meets video so no need to travel anywhere!

Note: I am located in the United Kingdom but am happy to work with clients anywhere (timezone permitting)!

Watch this video to understand why RTT®️ works so quickly and effectively?

So you can see RTT®️ Hypnotherapy rapidly does five things that other therapy cannot do and cannot do in that time frame.

1.     RTT®️ sends out different messages from the mind to the body, i.e. developing a healthy relationship with food, better sleep habits.

2.     RTT®️ interrupts the signals/messages coming from the body to the mind, i.e. changing fear to excitement or confidence.

3.     RTT®️ shuts down the critical factor so new ideas and behaviours are more easily and rapidly accepted and implemented, i.e. radiating confidence and high self esteem.

4.     RTT®️ takes you into the network of intelligence where the mind influences the body and allows you to influence it in a more positive way, i.e. ending addictions (including food addictions) and limiting beliefs.

5.     RTT®️ changes neural circuits/pathways so that our clients enjoy lasting change.

RTT®️ is a contemporary therapeutic intervention drawing upon powerful solution focused techniques including Hypnotherapy, NLP, CBT and Psychotherapy to offer fast results. It was developed by Marisa Peer (voted Britain's best therapist), over a period of thirty years, and the RTT®️ School was launched in 2015 to train therapists throughout the world in this modality.

Something Magical Happens...

Weight Loss RTT

Something magical, but also scientific, happens in hypnosis and that is the mind sends different messages to the body telling it what to do, and interrupts the signals coming back, so for instance, we can lessen pain, stop anxiety, and overeating.

Only in hypnosis can the critical factor shut down so that the mind will accept ideas that it may reject in a conscious state. Some believe that hypnosis is about losing control when, actually, it is about the hypnotherapist helping the client to regain control. 

As a Rapid Transformational Practitioner, I can also help with:

  • Eating Disorders
  • Addictions
  • Anxiety
  • Phobias
  • Physical and Chronic Pain

What Clients are Saying...

Robert Thomas: 

"I have struggled with weight my entire life. Following Gastric surgery early in the year I took the decision that I needed to get control of what was a fairly toxic relationship with food and binge eating. From the first engagement with Jackie, she put me at ease and guided me through the process end to end.

The hypnosis can be daunting but Jackie went above and beyond to lead me through the process and the follow up audio is a constant source of support to me as and when I need to top up my learnings. Since embarking on this therapy, I have not had the same desire to binge and find myself automatically selecting healthy nutritious food. Excellent experience, thanks you Jackie."

Noreen Costello:

"Had an excellent session with Jackie. She makes you feel very comfortable. I would recommend having a session with Jackie, you are sure to be happy that you did."

Contact me now and start living your best life!

Jacqueline (Jackie) Linehan, RTTP, C.Hyp

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