Be Your Own Placebo and Recover Faster from Injuries!

You can be your own placebo and learn to use it for self-healing! We know how powerful the placebo effect is, but have we ever considered how we can make it work for us? We can create our own placebo and learn to use it to our advantage!

I realized this exciting possibility after reading the most fascinating and empowering book!

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The aforementioned book is called, Super Brain. It was written by Deepak Chopra and professor Rudolph E. Tanzi. This book has been described as a manual for using our brain to its full potential. It teaches us how to use our brain instead of letting it use us. Our brain is capable of incredible healing and constant reshaping. We just need to know how to operate it properly.

The Placebo Effect

This super book discusses the placebo effect in great deal and provides substantial evidence of how strong the mind-body connection really is. If we can heal our body just by believing in the healing power of a sugar pill, then we must have the ability to heal ourselves without the need for a deceptive sugar pill. 

Happy young man running along by the ocean and smiling

I read this book based on a strong recommendation, and I'm so glad I did. It perfectly demonstrates how we can enhance our health, happiness, and well-being by better utilizing our brains. Every concept, including the placebo effect, is thoroughly supported by scientific evidence.

How to Be Your Own Placebo

The book includes a section titled "How to Be Your Own Placebo,"  which I believe offers valuable concepts that can be used effectively to prevent and recover from running injuries and illnesses.  The placebo effect is simply described as self-healing, occurring when we allow our minds to cooperate with and contribute to the healing process. Fear and doubt are not present; and, therefore, cannot interfere with the healing process as they often do when we are injured or ill. 

When we cut our finger, we don't worry or wonder if it will heal. We trust it will heal on its own, and we don't dwell on it. The mind doesn't interfere and bring doubt and fear into the equation. Instead, it trusts our body's healing system, which allows healing to happen naturally and quickly.

Wouldn't it be incredible if we could apply this approach to all injuries and illnesses? This self-healing method begins with a strong mind-body connection and a clear mental intention to heal.

"Turn your wounds into wisdom."

-- Oprah Winfrey

When the mind-body connection is strong, the body is in constant communication with the mind. We follow our instincts and discover what it is that our body needs to heal or to stay healthy. Then we allow the healing response to take place without interfering. Fear and doubt are not present. 

Developing a strong mind-body connection is not difficult, but it does require patience and time. However, it can become your best defense in preventing injury and illness from creeping into your life. 

How Do We Develop a Strong Mind-Body Connection?

Practicing doesn't have to be complicated, but it does need to be consistent. A simple practice is to sit quietly with your eyes closed and pay attention to what's happening in your body. Sensations will arise and come to the surface. Allow this to happen without reacting to what you feel. Simply relax with each sensation as it enters your awareness and notice where it comes from. Try to find its source.

This exercise helps us become more attuned to the subtle messages and signals from our bodies. Typically, we only pay attention when our bodies speak loudly through sharp pain, illness, stiffness, or other discomforts. With practice, you will enhance both your sensitivity and your ability to trust at the same time.

Self-healing (the placebo effect) works when the following conditions are present:

  • A strong mental intention for healing
  • A mind that has confidence in the healing process and can deal with (dismiss) thoughts of fear and doubt
  • A strong mind-body connection in which there is constant communication
  • Trusting what our body is telling us
  • Becoming aware of and following our instincts
  • Letting go and allowing healing to happen without conflicting thoughts

If you are currently suffering with pain or a running injury, why not check out our Running Injury Healing Meditation!

There is still much to be understood about the healing process. But because we know that the placebo effect is a real phenomenon, we know that we have a part to play in our own healing. If we learn how to be our own placebo, we will be prepared for any injury or illness that arises and approach it with confidence rather than with fear and anxiety. Thus, we allow healing to happen 🙏❤️

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