Reiki for Runners

Reiki for runners
Reiki is an alternative therapy that aids the body's natural healing process. It works with the "life force energy" that flows through us and causes us to be alive. If a person's "life force energy" is low, then they are more likely to get sick or in the case of runners, get injured. If our "life force energy" is high, then we are more capable of feeling happy and healthy. Reiki balances and heals the energy in the body.

Reiki is holistic healing so it will be received where it is needed most. Reiki treats the whole person as its healing energy works on four levels: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually creating many beneficial effects. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and has been scientifically shown to decrease pain levels, speed healing and relax the mind and body. A Reiki treatment can be provided in person or by distance. 

Reiki works with the chakra energy centers to heal and restore balance. Most of us have energetic blocks and imbalances that prevent us from accessing our full vitality, which leads us to feel exhausted, unsettled, ill and prone to injuries. We can seek healing by receiving Reiki from a qualified practitioner or we can learn how to work with and optimize our energy system ourselves and revitalize our life force energy. Learn how to: Heal your energy centers.       

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Reiki for Runners

The Benefits of Reiki For Runners

A runner can take advantages of the many benefits of Reiki for Runners in the following ways:

  • Help running injuries heal faster
  • Prevent running injuries from occurring
  • Strengthen the body's natural healing abilities
  • Help you feel relaxed while running
  • Help you relax before or after an important race
  • Decrease pain levels and speed healing
  • Help you discover why you have recurring injuries
  • Balance and heal energies in the body
  • Promote natural healing with no adverse affects
  • Relax mind and body
  • Heal on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels
  • Promote spiritual awareness and connection

"Reiki is one of the leading safe Energy Medicine approaches."

- C. Norman Shealy, M.D. Ph.D. 
American Holistic Medical Association

How Does Reiki Work?

Reiki Healing Hands

A simple scientific explanation to describe how Reiki works is that it converts negative energy to positive energy. Most injuries, illnesses and diseases stem from our emotions, which create negative energy in our bodies. Reiki is a very gentle but powerful form of healing. It can heal all parts of the body without any side effects. 

The proof is in the results. That is why its use in hospitals is increasing and "patients love it" as stated in this article: Reiki in the Clinical Setting is On the Rise

Sometimes we have injuries or illnesses that are take a long time to heal. This is often caused by low energy levels. Reiki's healing energy can stimulate the body's healing process. 

"I tried Reiki for Runners in the hopes of healing a foot injury (that was not improving) and getting back to running.  I admit I was skeptical. During the sessions I experienced a tingling, pins and needles feeling with deep warmth from the ball of my foot all the way into the calf.  It has helped to speed healing and improve function - getting me back out there and moving again. 

I highly recommend Reiki for Runners to all struggling with injury."  

-- Christy A, Dallas, U.S.A.

What to Expect During a Reiki Session

During a Reiki treatment you may experience warmth or heat, tingles, twitching, a floating sensation, heaviness, sleepiness, peacefulness or deep relaxation. Experiences differ from person to person and also from session to session but there is always a beneficial effect. Sometimes conditions appear worse for a short period of time after a session. This is a sign of healing as the condition is being brought to the surface where it can be healed and released. 

Distant Reiki sessions are usually about 30 minutes and scheduled at a  mutually convenient time. During the session, it is best if you are lying down in a quiet place where you won't be disturbed.  Please note that no telecommunication connection is required for Reiki to be sent or received. It is simply transmitted using the practitioner's intention to send it and the client's intention to receive it. 

Are you curious about How Distant Reiki Works?

Read more about the benefits of Reiki for Runners in this article on Run Scoop.

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