How Does Distant Reiki Work?

Most people are very skeptical of a distant Reiki session and I completely understand why. I was also very skeptical until I experienced it for myself and I was totally blown away. How can someone in another room, another city or even another country experience healing from a Reiki therapist in a different place? But then again how can they not?

Reiki is natural healing energy that works on every level, not just the physical level and this is where we have trouble understanding how a Reiki distance session works.

Distant Reiki

Within the framework of our physical world, everything has to be done in person. If you need a haircut, a massage, dental work, manicure or blood test, it cannot be done by distance. It has to be done in person. There has to be a physical connection made with your body and that is where Reiki is different.

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Reiki is non-invasive and is used holistically to restore balance in mind, body and spirit while promoting the body's regenerative self-healing ability. Its healing energy connects us on an energetic and spiritual level where the healing work is conducted. To understand this, we must first realize that we are more than our physical bodies. 

Our thoughts, emotions, feelings, ideas, perspectives and moral beliefs all exist within us but they are not part of our physical bodies. They are energies that can affect our physical bodies but they are not physical elements.

Distant Reiki

Our soul or our spirit also forms part of who we are and it is definitely not a physical element. Reiki energy connects with us through spiritual and energetic levels using the intention of the practitioner to send healing energy and the intention of the client to receive healing.

Distant Reiki sessions work because energy is not limited by distance. Distance is a physical limitation only. 

"We are not a body with a soul, but a soul with a body."

-- Wayne Dyer

We accept other energy frequencies that we cannot see, such as electricity, radios, cell phones and wi-fi. Initially, these frequencies were thought to be too unbelievable to be true, but now they are accepted as normal functioning services. In order for them to work, they have to be tuned in and Distant Reiki works the same way.

The Reiki practitioner acts as a conduit and tunes the healing energy to the person it is being sent to and then it flows through the energy currents that exist naturally. Just as distance is not an obstacle for mobile phones, radio signals or the World Wide Web, it is not an obstacle for Reiki.

Reiki works with the chakra energy centers to heal and restore balance. Most of us have energetic blocks and imbalances that prevent us from accessing our full vitality, which leads us to feel exhausted, unsettled, ill and prone to injuries. We can seek healing by receiving Reiki from a qualified practitioner or we can learn how to work with and optimize our energy system ourselves and revitalize our life force energy. Learn how to: Heal your energy centers.       

In-Person Reiki Sessions

During a Reiki in-person session, the therapist does not need to physically touch the body. The healing session can be performed with the hands just above the body and it is just as effective as a hands-on treatment or a Reiki distance session.

In the UK in 2010, the National Occupation Standard, developed by Skills for Health acknowledged the following three methods of practicing Reiki:

  1. hands on the body
  2. hands near the body
  3. from a distance

This recognition is very significant for Reiki Therapists. Reiki is now recognized as an occupation that can be performed by distance away from the client. Maybe someday this concept will be as commonly accepted  as using apps on your mobile phone to see and speak to a friend in another country. It wasn't too long ago that this was considered impossible!

Receiving Reiki in person can be a wonderful experience and there are significant case studies and scientific studies to attest to their benefits. However, in some cases physically attending a session can create barriers to optimal healing, such as when the following are considered:

  • The stress of travelling to attend appointment
  • Rushing to attend an appointment can cause stress
  • Meeting someone new can be stressful
  • The physical presence of another person can be a distraction
  • Not as comfortable as being at home in a familiar environment
  • More expensive than a distance session

Distant Reiki sessions provide a wonderful, simple and effective alternative solution. A distant session is often experienced as a more effective treatment method as all physical barriers are removed. The practitioner and the client are both perceived as being energetic beings only. 

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Benefits of Distant Reiki

Once clients begin having Reiki by distance, they often prefer it because it is so effective, convenient and they receive a written summary of the session by email or text. 

Some of the benefits of receiving Reiki by distance:

  • You don't have to "get ready" to go out.
  • You don't have to leave your house.
  • You don't have to talk to anyone if you don't want to.
  • You can receive a written summary of your healing session.
  • Usually cheaper than an in-person visit.

The only way for you to truly know if Reiki Distance really works is to try it for yourself. However, when you do, don't be surprised if it becomes your preferred method of healing. 

Distant Reiki healing sessions are usually for 30 minutes and can be easily booked online. During the session, it is best if you are lying down in a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Please note that no telecommunication connection is required for Reiki to be sent or received. It is simply transmitted using the practitioner's intention to send it and the client's intention to receive it. 

Most practitioners welcome your questions and you can usually speak to them  before and/or after the session. Contact is usually made through Whatsapp which is encrypted so your privacy is maintained.  

If you would like to try Reiki by Distance, I highly recommend Jeni Ray. She is a fully qualified intuitive Reiki Master and offers both in-person and remote sessions. Contact her on or by email to find out how she may assist you. 

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