Mantras for Running

Mantras for running can help you stay strong both mentally and physically while running. They have a similar function to affirmations as they are both beneficial but they have different purposes. An affirmation helps to change beliefs about oneself. They help us to build confidence and self-esteem and to achieve specific goals. 

A mantra has the ability to move energy and it usually has a sacred origin. "Mantra" is a Sanskrit word which is translated in English as "instrument for thinking."  Mantras are traditionally used in meditation but can certainly be beneficial when used while running.

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A mantra creates a point of focus and can help clear away negative thoughts and attachments. They have the ability to release stored energy from cells and can touch a deep spiritual place within. Mantras can help us recognize our divine nature. 

Sanskrit words are often used as mantras so their effectiveness is not based on understanding the meaning of the chosen word or words. They have an ability to change frequencies in the body through sound waves even if they are not spoken aloud. They are often used in conjunction with the breath--first part spoken on the inhale, second part on the exhale.

mantras for running

One of the most common mantras is "So hum." This translates in English to "I am, that." On the inhale repeat the sound "soooo" silently to yourself and as you exhale say, "hummmm." It is important to focus on the sensation of your breath as it seems to create the sound you are repeating. 

If you prefer to do an English mantra, try "Peace full" or "Joy full." On the inhale say "joy" and "full" on the exhale. Other mantras for running that you may want to try are: 

"Neti, neti" - "Not this, not this."

"Sat nam" - "Truth is my name." 

Mantras for Running are Powerful!

Recently I have been using a specific statement which is a combination of a mantra and an affirmation to help me shift my energy into a more positive state and to stay motivated while running. It is stated as an "I am" statement like an affirmation but it has a sacred purpose like a mantra. The statement I am using may sound arrogant, but it is not. It simply allows us to recognize the divine self within.  

You may ask: what does this have to do with running? I think of running as a spiritual activity, second only to meditating! Similar to meditating, running brings to the surface all the misconceptions and self-defeating thoughts we hold in our mind and body and says, "Here, deal with this!" 

When they arise, these false beliefs can show themselves as either pain in the body or as a mental weakness. Either form can be overcome much easier if we learn to connect with our inner divine self and allow the experience. 

Note: If you usually listen to music while running or if you don't often run by yourself, running may not seem to be a spiritual activity as you don't experience silence and an opportunity to go inwards. 

"I am completely in love with myself." 

When you repeat this statement, how does it make you feel? Uncomfortable maybe? It may also make you feel absolutely glorious if you allow it. It is not arrogant to feel this way about ourselves. In fact we are doing ourselves a grave injustice if we do not honour ourselves fully. Honouring ourselves is a practice that can help us tremendously not only in running but in all areas of our lives. 

We judge others as being arrogant when they are loud, obnoxious or seem to think they know more than anyone else. From my experience, this behaviour actually demonstrates the opposite of arrogance. It is often a cover-up for a lack of self esteem. This person needs the approval of others to feel good about himself or herself.

True self-confidence and a deep love of self requires no one's approval and is indifferent to the opinion of others. If this sounds like a desirable quality to you, practice repeating this statement: "I am completely in love with myself" when running or anytime you want to raise your energy to a higher vibration. 

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."   
--Marianne Williamson

From my experience, it more beneficial to repeat this statement occasionally and then mentally pause to notice how it makes me feel. Most affirmations and mantras are continuously repeated. 

And how will raising your vibrational energy affect your running? Give it a try and see for yourself! 

Do you use mantras for running? Please share them and any questions, comments or suggestions in the comments section below.

You may also be interested in these articles:

A Mantra for Peaceful Running

Mindful Running

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