An Inner Body Awareness Technique to Help You Run Injury Free!

Use this Inner Body Awareness technique to help you run injury free by recovering faster and preventing future injuries. Inner body awareness is an amazing technique which helps us tap into the inner energy field of our body for self-healing and inner peace. 

It only takes a few minutes to learn but its beneficial effects can be experienced a lifetime! And you can practice it anywhere and anytime. 

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You can learn to direct your life force energy into a part of your body that needs healing, such as a running injury. When you sense your inner body awareness (your inner energy) and allow yourself to dwell in that space, you are in a state of increased presence and peace--the optimum state for healing. 

You will experience a vast sense of spaciousness and lightness. This light energy allows for healing as opposed to dense, heavy energy which exists in areas of blocked energy such as is present in the area of a running injury.

Inner Body Awareness Technique

Inner Body Awareness Technique

The following is a step-by-step process on how to practice this technique. Once you have mastered the inner body awareness technique you can use it anywhere and you won't need to close your eyes. You can even use it while you are talking with someone and it will help you to be more present during the conversation.

  • Sit in a quiet place and close your eyes. Focus on your breath to help you relax.
  • Place your attention on your inner body. Begin with your hands. Feel the internal bone structure of your hands--each finger and all the joints. Feel beneath your fingernails. Feel the blood moving through the veins in your hands. Spend about one minute exploring your inner hands. They may begin to tingle and twitch.
  • Move your attention to your feet while still sensing your hands. Again feel the bone structure of your feet--your arches, heels, and all your toes. Feel the ligaments that join then together. Spend about one minute exploring your inner feet.
  • While still sensing your hands and feet, try to feel the entire inner body as a whole for a few minutes. Feel the spaciousness and the life that exists within. If your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back without judging yourself. You may find the breath helps to keep you anchored in the body by imagining your whole body breathing as one unit. There is an the aliveness that exists within. Enjoy this precious space of stillness.

"Give whatever you are doing
and whoever you are with
the gift of your attention."
- Jim Rohn

  • While practicing this technique, you may feel a tingling sensation in your hands and feet or a vibration or pulsing of the blood through your body. You are feeling your life force energy in the place where you have directed your attention. Our minds are very powerful and this energy can be used to heal. 
  • As you learn to sense your inner energy or life force energy within, you can direct it to any area of your body in need of healing, such as with a running injury. You can direct this energy to any any area simply by placing your attention in that inner space. Spend as much time there as you feel necessary for healing and repeat as needed. You will soon notice an improvement in your condition.

Note: Sometimes when you send energy to a part of the body that is sore, there is a temporary but slight increase in the sensation of pain. This is a sign of healing as the hurt is being brought to the surface where it can be healed and released. Allow it to arise without resistance or judgement.

After practicing this technique numerous times, you will be able to call upon the sensation very quickly anytime you wish. You can use it whenever you want to feel peaceful or to release pain. You can use it during conversations to be more present in your relationships and you can use it during running to prevent running injuries.

If you feel any sort of pain or ache while running, you can direct your inner energy to the area in need. You will soon find the sensation has been quickly released. 

Practicing the inner body awareness technique regularly will bring true peace, happiness and health into your life. All we have to do is allow ourselves to experience it!

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