Develop an Attitude of Gratitude!

An attitude of gratitude can improve your running and help you achieve your desires in all aspects of life, i.e. running, work, relationships, health. 

Being grateful is a remarkable, positive emotion and there are so many benefits that you can enjoy when it becomes a habit. It specifically benefits runners as you will feel happier and more energized. Physical exercise will be more enjoyable as you will become more motivated to succeed. 


Other benefits of developing a grateful attitude are:

  • happier
  • healthier
  • more productive
  • more successful
  • more friendly 
  • increased self-esteem
  • live longer
  • sleep better
  • more spiritual
  • more relaxed
  • look younger
  • boost immune system
  • better relationships
  • emotionally stronger

How To Develop Gratitude

"If the only prayer you say in your life is 'thank you,'
that would suffice."

-- Meister Eckhart

Try the following activities to develop a habit of being grateful:

  1. Begin a daily gratitude journal. Every day list 3-5 things that you are grateful for. They don't have to be major events. List all the simple things that you enjoy, such as the sun rising each morning, your family, friends, health, being able to run, walk, work, breathe, etc.
  2. Make it a habit to take a few short breaks during each day to give thanks. Breathe deeply and slowly and think about someone or something that you feel a deep sense of appreciation for. Feel the appreciation and your breath in the area of your heart. This practice generates wonderful feel-good and positive emotions. You will immediately feel happier.
  3. Take advantage of every opportunity to express sincere gratitude with towards others, e.g. thank you for helping me with that project, thank you for the wonderful meal your prepared, thank you for providing such good service, thank you for all the time and effort you have put into this task. Recognizing and thanking others for their efforts will not only help you feel more grateful, it will help others as well.
  4. Commit to practicing every day. Set up reminders on your phone or computer or place reminder notes in different areas where you will see them throughout the day. Develop the habit of practicing before each meal as it provides an excellent opportunity to give thanks and feel gratitude for all the gifts we have received. 
  5. Everyone experiences bad days and there will be times when you will not feel like being grateful. It is these times that gratitude can be most effective. Even though you don't feel like it, pretend to be grateful and go through the motions. It will trigger positive emotions and you will feel better. As the old cliché goes, "fake it until you make it!" It actually works!

If you struggle to find things to be grateful for, this list may help. Check out: 60 Things to be Grateful For in Life

"Gratitude is an attitude that hooks us up to our source of supply.
And the more grateful you are, the closer you become to your maker,
to the architect of the universe, to the spiritual core of your being."
- Bob Proctor

A gift for subscribers!

Power of Meditation

To express my gratitude to my newsletter subscribers -- please accept my gift: a free digital copy of The Power of Meditation, the perfect guide to help you get started meditating and enjoying all the benefits it can bring to your life - personal, work, relationships and more. 

Meditation Doesn't Need To Take Hours of Your Time!

While meditation can be a prolonged activity, it doesn't have to take hours of your day. Even a ten or fifteen minute session of meditation can provide some benefits of relaxation.

Many people prefer to meditate early in the morning before starting their day to help them start with a positive outlook. Others choose to meditate just before bed to help them relieve anxious thoughts and drift off to sleep peacefully.

The most difficult part is practicing and getting used to meditating.

It's just about keeping consistent and making time to do it.

Now, on to the guide...Here's just some of the things you'll discover inside:

  • Discover the benefits of meditation for business owners and entrepreneurs.
  • Preparing your body and mind for meditation.
  • How to use the right posture when meditating.
  • Meditation exercises you can do right away.
  • The benefits of meditation for personal well-being.
  • How to clear your mind of fears and worries.
  • Deep breathing is the most meditative practice. Here's how to do it.
  • How to use visualization when you meditate. Visualization helps you relax by imagining positive thoughts, feelings, surroundings and more.
  • What are chakras and how can they help you with meditation?

That's just the tip of the iceberg! There's a whole lot more in this guide.

Subscribers to our newsletter should have received an email with access to this powerful guide. If not, please contact us and let us know.

If you are not a subscriber, sign up here to get your free copy and much, much more.

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