Use Quantum Physics to Run Injury Free

Quantum Physics and Theory explain the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic levels including the nucleus and the elementary particle. All physical matter that we see around us is formed of atoms and subatomic particles including our bodies! 

One of the most significant findings in Quantum Physics states that by the very act of watching, the one observing has an effect on the physical matter being observed. This discovery is known as "The Observer Effect" and it gives us a completely new understanding of our bodies (physical matter) and how we can create more desirable results for ourselves including running without injuries.

Quantum Physics and Running Injury Free

How can the simple act of observing something change its physical matter and what does this mean for us as humans and more specifically as runners? The idea that conscious observation creates everything we experience with our senses turns our sense of reality on its head. It goes back to the question, "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

Accordingly, we affect our reality by how we think about our experiences (observing). If we observe or think about a situation in the same way we always do, we will create the same experiences we have always created. If we look at a situation in a new, positive way, we can create a different, more desirable experience for ourselves.

The Observer Effect Explained

The Observer Effect is most clearly demonstrated in the famous experiment known as:  "The double slit experiment." It was originally conducted by Thomas Young in 1803, but has since been repeated numerous times by various scientists. 

This video explains the experiment and its results which are absolutely fascinating. Consider the possibilities of what this could mean for the entire human race!

So how can we use Quantum Physics and The Observer Effect to help us run injury free?

If our thoughts create chemical reactions in our bodies and we are in control of our thoughts, we can choose how our bodies respond by choosing our thoughts.

"Our observation has a direct effect on our world."

-- Dr. Joe Dispenza

If we continue to think the same thoughts we always did, we will get the same results. However, if we decide to change our thoughts, we will create new chemical reactions and different results. You can create the reality you want to experience!

How to Use Quantum Physics to Run Injury Free!

So if we have the power to change our reality, let's choose a reality that includes running injury free!

So how do we do that?

Here are some suggestions:

  • We can begin by observing our thoughts more carefully in response to the information we receive using our senses. Notice what happens when we first feel a physical ache that could possibly develop into a running injury.  Our senses help us to become aware of the discomfort in our body. How do we typically respond to this first hint of pain and how can we change our response to a more beneficial one? 

  • Now that we understand how much our thoughts affect our physical body, we can work to strengthen our awareness of the thoughts we often think.  We will become less inclined to choose negative, harmful fear-based thoughts when we realize that they give strength to sensations of pain and enhance the likelihood of an injury. We will become more likely to choose thoughts that create a more positive and desirable reality.

"Change the way you look at things
and the things you look at change.

-- Wayne Dyer

  • Whenever we experience pain, illness or any discomfort in our body, we can practice sending kind, loving thoughts to that part of our body.  The effects of choosing loving thoughts and feelings are scientifically demonstrated in the Water Experiment (below). 

  • We can develop the skill of observation by observing the sensations in our body with a curious attitude. However, we must remain indifferent to any outcomes.  Stand back and become an observer rather than a participant (victim) in this experience. Consider that there may be multiple possibilities within each experience that cannot be conceived by us.

  • We can use the Power of Intention and set an intention to remain injury free. We can then align our thoughts with that intention to strengthen our belief in our ability to create our desired reality.  Together, human thoughts and human intentions can affect the physical matter that is our reality.

Benefits of Observing Pain

When you look at or observe pain, then you are not 'in' the sensation. You are not 'in pain'! You are giving the pain room to move. You are not identifying with the pain and you are giving it permission to come to the surface where it can be released. 

The Water Experiment

Another interesting series of experiments were conducted by a Japanese researcher, Dr. Masaru Emoto, using water.  His work demonstrated that water has memory. As water was exposed to various thoughts, emotions, and music, its composition changed and was retained when frozen. When water was exposed to loving thoughts and then frozen, it formed beautiful crystals that were brilliant, complex and with colorful, snowflake patterns. When water was exposed to unkind thoughts, unpleasant and incomplete asymmetrical patterns with dull colors were formed. 

The video below shows the results and includes the incredible pictures taken during various water experiments. The pictures say it all!

Eighty percent of our bodies are formed of water. If the memory of  thoughts and emotions are retained and reflected in water, imagine what effect they could have on our bodies!

There is still much so much to learn about the world we live in and our reality and quantum physics is helping us do that. As we open our minds to the vast possibilities available to us, we can begin to realize just how much we are capable of creating in our lives—not only an injury free running experience but in all aspects of our lives.

To learn more about this fascinating topic, check out the documentary, What the Bleep Do We Know? It discusses The Observer Effect, The Water Experiment and much more about how we play a part in creating our own reality. 

Learn more about Quantum Physics from the Caltech Science Exchange

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