A Course in Miracles for Runners

Can A Course in Miracles (ACIM) help us with running? If you have ever criticized yourself, felt fear or guilt, berated yourself for not doing better or experienced running injuries, then the answer is ABSOLUTELY! 

ACIM states that the source of all negative thoughts that we have about our self is our ego. It is constantly telling us that we should be different in some way. The ego is not real and neither are these thoughts that we have about ourselves. We believe our ego self and we identify with it and this is the cause of so much of our suffering, both mentally and physically.

A Course in Miracles

Recognizing our thoughts for what they really are will help us be more at peace with all the events in our lives including how we perform while running. We can learn to flow more easily with life and experience all that "is" as just that—an experience!

This doesn't mean that we don't have desires or dreams we want to achieve, such as doing our next 10km race faster than before. Goals make life interesting and fun and that's how we need to keep it. We must not listen to our ego thoughts telling us that we are not good enough. 

"Illness is some form of external searching.
Health is inner peace."

-- A Course in Miracles

We have goals we want to achieve, but we do not need to be attached to them. We do not use goals to measure our value or worth. We are always worthy. So, let's praise ourselves for what we have accomplished, give everything our best effort and be grateful for the experience!

A Course in Miracles

A Course in Miracles is a complete self study system of spiritual psychology. It is a three-volume curriculum containing the core teachings of the world's great religions, together with sophisticated psychological insight.

Its practical principles are directed towards the transformational potential of the mind. Millions of people around the world have responded to its teachings. 

A Healed Mind is a Healed Body

ACIM also tells us that our body is not who we are and that we are not victims of its condition. It has no ability to get sick, have pain, or get well. All decisions are made in the mind. So the mind must be healed first before the body can heal.

A healed mind recognizes love as our true nature and not fear. It has no guilt as it has learned forgiveness, not only for others but for itself. It is no longer identified with the ego or the body. It is free from fear and can experience peace. 

"It is essential to remember that only the mind can create, 
and that correction begins at the thought level…
spirit is already perfect and therefore does not require correction.
The body does not exist except as a learning device for the mind.”

-- A Course in MIracles

I believe the greatest achievement any of us can make in life is finding true peace within. This can happen when we stop identifying with our ego and our body and allow ourselves to embrace and love what we find within. In this state we can truly experience life and all it has to offer. We can enjoy all our running experiences and allow them to be injury free too—regardless of whether our 10km race finishing time is faster or not!

😊 😊

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