Visualization Methods

Visualization methods are important for manifesting our goals and desires. When we are able to picture things clearly, in detail, and most importantly see ourselves in the exact situation or occupation we want to be in, it is much more likely that the Universe will grant us what we want. It works so well because, when we can see ourselves doing something, we also show we believe it can happen and will allow it to happen. That is why it is so important to hone our mental skills by brushing up on some simple, yet effective, mind-sharpening visualization methods.

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We can all increase our capacity for mental imaging using visualization methods. Even though some are born with an ability to see three dimensional objects easily in their minds, we all have a natural inclination for this. Some of us just need to work on it. We do this through training and exercises, as well as meditation. Once we strengthen our minds, it is easy to picture whatever we want in as much detail as we want. That is very exciting, because, as we all know, what we see clearly with our mind's eye, we can manifest in the material world.

Practice these Visualization Methods

Here are a few easy visualization methods to start working with your brain to produce sharper, clearer mental images:

  • Meditate. Meditation is highly important for just about all we do. It increases concentration to lengthen our attention span, relieves depression and anxiety, and actually makes us smarter. In today's world, just about everything we do causes our minds to work and think differently. The more time we spend in front of the TV or on the computer, the shorter our focus becomes. This is the reason many today say visualization is just too hard. Without the ability to concentrate for any length of time, how could we hope to produce detailed daydreams? This is where meditation comes into play.

    20 minutes of meditation a day will undo what the TV and internet do so well. It will help us overcome our unhealthy addictions to media and entertainment, and calm our minds. Instead of constant distraction, we will be able to be peaceful and in the moment. These are prime conditions for visualization. It helps to begin with a blank slate and then slowly introduce images and scenes. Many have their best creative dreams just after a long, quiet session on the mat.
Visualization Methods

  • Besides meditating, there are other ways to sharpen our imaginations and visualization skills. Certain exercises help us create and sustain memories of objects inside our minds. One example is an exercise done using normal objects. It works like this:

    a) Sitting comfortably pick an object in the room with you that is fixed and still. Hold your eyes on it for several moments. Take in the color, shape, texture and every other detail you can. Keep your mind perfectly focused on the one object.

    b) After you think you've got it, close your eyes and try to see the object in your mind. See how much detail you can recall and how detailed and three-dimensional you can make the image.

    c) Start with something small and simple, then work your way up to more difficult objects. You can also see if you can shorten the length of time you look at a thing before closing your eyes and seeing it clearly.

  • Another short, mental exercise we can use every day is a screenplay exercise. In this exercise, you write a script for yourself and imagine yourself having a conversation with someone else, telling them about an event you wish or hope will happen. This uses words instead of images, but you will notice, as you start imagining the conversation, you will begin to see the other person and what he or she might be saying, and you will be able to see yourself as you talk. You may even start to develop other details, such as the time of day, the scenario (where it takes place) and what you are wearing.

    This exercise helps with a few things: First, it activates the imagination because we are telling a story. Our minds immediately get a visual and react to what we think is happening. Second, it will help us plot the details of our future dream and affirm them as we imagine saying them to someone else. Finally, it will help us create images as we discuss the event.

Developing strong visualization methods and skills are extraordinarily helpful when it comes to plotting the future, and even for changing the present. Any time we can see ourselves doing something, the Universe can help us find a way to actually do it. This is the power of our minds to co-create the world we live in.

All we have to do is prepare our minds, and then exercise that power in a way that makes us as happy as we all deserve to be.

Want to learn more about visualization methods? Check out this article about exercises to develop creative visualization.

About the Author:

Jill Magso is the Customer Happiness Manager at

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